Pentru cine nu citeste in engleza. Cartel alfa a reclamat România pentru scăderea salariilor în sectorul public cu 25%.
Plangerea a fost redactata impreuna cu experți belgieni și românia riscă o rezoluție de sancționare pentru violarea drepturilor salariatilor. Autoritățile române sunt acuzate de încalăcarea convențiilor internaționale refritoare la protecția dteptului la muncă
Romania’s union federation Cartel Alfa representing workers in public services, metallurgy, steel, transport and mining sectors filed a complaint with the International Labor Organization (ILO) against the Romanian Government for its measure to reduce public sector wages by 25%.
The complaint was filed within the 99th ILO Conference and the delegation representing Cartel Alfa at the conference proposed the adoption of a resolution concerning Romania. The resolution targets the situation Romania's five large union confederations deemed a violation of workers' rights, Cartel Alfa said in a press release Tuesday.
The resolution was drafted alongside Belgian legal experts and was adopted by the ILO Conference. According to the resolution, the economic crisis in Romania cannot be used as a pretext to reduce salaries or other social benefitd by 25%. All these cuts represent a severe breach of international labor conventions, the national Labor Code and related documents of the International Labor Organization signed by Romania.
The resolution also states the firm opposition against any measures that breach the fundamental rights of workers and affect social peace, which are mandatory in a state that must cope with the challenges of the economic crisis.
Cartel Alfa also filed a complaint against the Romanian Government, alongside the representatives of confederations attending the ILO Conference, in which the Romanian authorities are accused of having breached the provisions of Convention 95 regarding the protection of salaries.
Cartel Alfa said the resolution, coupled with the complaint submitted during the ILO Conference, will place Romania, as of 2011, on the list of ILO's special cases.
Recession-hit Romania, which is relying on a EUR20 billion international rescue loan led by the International Monetary Fund, has pledged to drastically cut public spending and the Government has adopted laws cutting public sector wages by 25% and pensions by 15%. However, the Constitutional Court ruled pension cuts illegal and the Government is now raising taxes to make up for that part of its spending cut plan. (sursa: link)
4 comentarii:
Foarte bine,sa faca strainii ordine la noi in tara.
Ei, asteapta, resemnarea noastra, si momantul de a profira!
Noi suntem stapani pe soarta noastra!
Asa este. Sa vina etiopienii sau ugandezii sau eschimosii sau... cine o vrea, sa faca ordine in Romania- tara europeana a anului 2010, ca ROMANII NU SUNT IN STARE.
Acum vor urma reduceri de personal ... probabil!!! Doamne!Doamne ce vremuri traim!
Noi suntem vinovati,doar noi! Asta pentru ca suportam sa fim condusi - la toate nivelurile - de INCOMPETENTI, NEPROFESIONISTI SI PROFITORI.
Intrebarea este pana cand mai suportam ??????
Chiar nu ne trezim la realitate? Chiar acceptam totul ca pe un dat de la Dumnezeu? Dumnezeu ne da dar nu ne baga in traista!!! Ganditi-va fratilor la copiii vostri daca la voi nu va ganditi.Numai noi putem face ceva!
Noapte buna! Sper sa mai puteti dormi cu asa conducatori!
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